
Radiology Schools in Washington

Becoming a radiology professional in Washington begins with formal training in radiology through an accredited school before then applying for your certification license. Those who enter the field of radiology can opt to complete a certificate, associate or bachelor’s degree. Radiologic professionals play a vital function in the process of determining diseases and illness by taking images of the body with highly advanced technology. These images are then used by physicians to accurately diagnose problems.

There are many careers in the field of radiology. To learn about some of the common careers, check out the information below.

Below you can learn more about radiology careers, including salaries and how to pursue a career in the field. You will also learn more about radiology schools in Washington.

Washington Schools with Radiology Programs

  • Bellevue College (Bellevue)
  • Bellingham Technical College (Bellingham)
  • Clark College (Vancouver)
  • Columbia Basin College (Pasco)
  • Lower Columbia College (Longview)
  • Pima Medical Institute-Seattle (Seattle)
  • Spokane Community College (Spokane)
  • Tacoma Community College (Tacoma)
  • University of Washington-Seattle Campus (Seattle)
  • Wenatchee Valley College (Wenatchee)
  • Yakima Valley Community College (Yakima)

How to Become a Radiologic Technologist in Washington

If you are beginning a radiologic technologist career in Washington, you may be wondering where to start. Below you can see a guide that gives instructions on how to get started.

  1. Graduate from high school. In high school, students should take math and science classes to get prepared to enter a radiologic program. A high school degree is necessary to apply to college-level radiology programs.
  2. Earn an associate degree. Next students enroll in a radiology program to earn an associate degree, and many choose to pursue an Associate of Applied Science degree. Check that the school is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT).
  3. Get licensed in Washington. After earning a degree, most graduates need to get licensed or earn certification to work as a radiologic technologist. Research the requirements in Washington to learn how to earn licensure.

Radiology Salary in Washington

Salaries range for each radiologic profession based on experience in the field and education. Below you can see common radiological professions and their related average salary.

CareerTotal EmploymentAnnual Mean Wage
Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians86060,380
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers1,50087,440
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologists79085,820
Nuclear Medicine Technologists38090,460
Radiologic Technologists4,06068,320

Source: 2016 Occupational Employment Statistics and 2016-26 Employment Projections, Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Additional Resources for Washington Radiology Techs

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