
Radiology Schools in Vermont

Radiology is the branch of science concerning high-energy radiation, such as X-rays, particularly with respect to their use in the medical field. Radiologic technologists are responsible for using X-ray, ultrasound or MRI machines, among others, to take images of patients in order to help doctors diagnose illnesses or injuries and come up with a plan of treatment. Among other skills, radiology techs must be knowledgeable about anatomy, examination techniques, and how to best position patients to take clear scans and protect them from unnecessary radiation.

There are different specialties within radiologic technology, and prospective students may want to consider which one interests them the most before choosing a specific program. Career options in the field can include:

Vermont Schools with Radiology Programs

Vermont may not be a large state, but it still has some excellent options for prospective radiology students to consider. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, schools that may offer appropriate programs include:

  • Champlain College (Burlington)
  • College of St. Joseph (Rutland)
  • Southern Vermont College (Bennington)
  • University of Vermont (Burlington)

How to Become a Radiologic Technologist in Vermont

Many health care careers require some postsecondary education or training, and radiologic technology is no exception. Here are some basic steps to follow if you’re interested in pursuing a career in the field.

  1. Earn a high school diploma or an equivalent credential. Having your diploma or GED in hand is often a necessity for pursuing higher education, which means this is typically the first step for most health care related jobs. If you can, it may be helpful to take relevant classes in subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology or anatomy.
  2. Earn a degree or a postsecondary certificate. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that an associate degree is the typical level of education required to pursue an entry-level job in the field of radiologic technology, with an Associate of Applied Science in particular being commonly held. However, depending on the specific career path that interests you, it may be necessary to earn a bachelor’s degree or a one-year certificate. Be sure to look into the educational requirements of jobs that interest you, and when choosing a program, it’s important to make sure that it’s accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT).
  3. Get licensed to work in Vermont. The Vermont Board of Radiologic Technology is responsible for licensing professionals in the field in order to ensure patient safety and a high quality of care. The board follows the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) and Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) process for certification, and licenses can be awarded in radiography, nuclear medicine technology and radiation therapy. For more details on specific requirements, visit the website for Vermont’s Office of Professional Regulation and look up the radiology licensing page (linked below).

Radiology Salary in Vermont

The table below shows average annual salaries in Vermont for different professionals in the field of radiologic technology, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Keep in mind that salaries may vary by level of experience, location and employer.

CareerTotal EmploymentAnnual Mean Wage
Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians40N/A
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers8076,330
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologists4077,950
Radiologic Technologists42060,340

Source: 2016 Occupational Employment Statistics and 2016-26 Employment Projections, Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Additional Vermont Radiology Resources

Vermont State Radiology Licensing

Vermont Secretary of State
Office of Professional Regulation
89 Main Street, 3rd Floor
Montpelier VT 05620-3402
(802) 828-3228

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