
How to Become an X-Ray Technician

Start by researching schools that offer X-Ray Technician programs. It is important that you find a school that will prepare you for state licensing and ARRT certification. When you request information from schools, be sure to ask them how they will prepare you for this. Browse our radiology school directory or search for radiology schools in your state to begin the process of researching information about schools and the x-ray programs they offer.

Complete an Associates or Certificate X-Ray Program

Becoming an X-Ray Technician can be done by completing a certificate, associates, or even a bachelor’s degree program. The most common methods are certificates and associates degrees. Certificates take an average of 12 months to complete and an associates generally takes two academic years. If you cannot attend radiology courses during the day, you will want to ask about evening degree, online, or hybrid options to complete your education.

Become licensed through your state & certified with the ARRT

It is highly recommended that you become registered with the ARRT (American Registry of Radiologic Technologists). In order to be eligible to take the ARRT exam, completing an x-ray program that is approved by JCERT is necessary . JCERT, which is the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology is the accrediting body that approves schools. 38 states require certification and if you search through the job listings of virtually any state, you will commonly see that employers prefer job candidates to be certified.

Apply for and obtain a job as an X-Ray Technician

Once you have completed your degree or certificate and passed the certification exam, it is time to update your resume and start applying for jobs. Be sure to stay in touch with other students and contacts you have in the field as they could be a referral source for you while you are seeking a position. Don’t be afraid to contact current X-Ray professionals to get interviewing and resume advice. Post your resume on a radiology job board and stay positive.

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